Select Video you want to edit from Video Camera or Video Album.
Movie during editing.
Play Movie / Stop Movie
Select Filter. Filter List
*If you want to save movie using some films, you need to purchase Add-on.
Select Screentone. Screentone List
*If you want to save movie useing dot or solid or none tone, you need to purchase Add-on.
Save currently displayed movie.
Tool Box for editing color, screentone and outline.
Display following contents.
When you touch "Color" button, Color Tool Box will be displayed.
Adjust movie saturation.
Adjust movie saturation.
*You can not adjust this slider in some filter.
When you touch "Tone" button, Screentone Tool Box will be displayed.
Adjust screentone area.
*You can not adjust this slider in some screentone.
When you touch "Outline" button, Outline Tool Box will be displayed.
Adjust outline width.
Adjust outline threshold.
Create cartoon style movie.
Create cartoon style movie with thicker outline than "Cartoon Style 1".
Create animation style movie.
You can create movie with smooth outline and color than "Cartoon Style"
*If you want to save movie with this filter, you need to purchase Add-on.
Create animation style movie with thicker outline than "Animation Style 1".
*If you want to save movie with this filter, you need to purchase Add-on.
Create raw movie with cartoon style outline and screentone.
*If you want to save movie with this filter, you need to purchase Add-on.
Create raw movie with animation style outline and screentone.
*If you want to save movie with this filter, you need to purchase Add-on.
Mesh style screentone.
You can edit mesh spacing and screentone area.
Dot style screentone.
You can edit dot size and screentone area.
*If you want to save movie with this screentone, you need to purchase Add-on.
Shadow style screentone.
You can edit shadow depth and screentone area.
*If you want to save movie with this screentone, you need to purchase Add-on.
You can create movie without screentone.
*If you want to save movie with this screentone, you need to purchase Add-on.
※You need Apple ID, if you want to purchase the add-on.
※If you want to re-install after purchase or you want to use the add-on in other iOS device after purchase, please push restore button. If you perform a restore, please use the same AppleID at the time of purchase.
Description and price of the add-on.
Purchase the add-on.
Restore the add-on.