If loyalty of brand A is "80%" and the number of customers is "100 people", Next time 80 people will use Brand A again, and 20 people will use Brand B.
Calculation is repeated in this condition, and you can observe change in the market share between the two brand.
Table of contentsGraphic and Graphs are displayed here.
Switch between "Graphic", "Dynamic Graph" and "Static Graph". Reference
Start Simulation. Become Stop Button during Simulation.
Stop Simulation and Reset the value.
Current parameters.
Show menu from "Option" Button at the top right of the screen or device lower.
Market Share is represented by the size of the Circle. When you start simulation, the size of the circle will change depending on the Market Share.
Market Share is represented by the Line Graph. When you start simulation, Line Graph will display the current Market Share.
Show Line Graph of the range of (0 ≦ n ≦ 500). You can scroll the graph horizontally by Flick.
When you press "Start" Button, simulation that is based on the current parameters will be start.
You can pause the simulation by "Stop" Button.
You can reset the values by "Reset" Button.
Table of contentsWhen you select "Settings" from "Menu", "Settings" Screen will be shown.
You can edit parameters in this screen.
Entry field "Loyalty of Brand A".
Entry field "Initial number of Customers of brand A".
Entry field "Loyalty of Brand B".
Entry field "Initial number of Customers of brand B".
Entry field "Simulation Speed"
Save parameters and back to the previous page.